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3 and a half years old...

Suddenly the girls are approaching 3 and a half and I can't quite believe it! They are all of a sudden looking like little girls and not toddlers and are changing more and more everyday.

My girls were due to start school in September but for several reasons they are going to be starting in September 2023 instead. They are going to carry on at the nursery they go to at the moment and I'm thinking of maybe adding another half day for them in September, they currently go for 15 hours. They are both still enjoying nursery, Cara can get a little confused after breaks when she goes back but soon settles in again. Charlotte has made some little friends and never wants to leave when I collect her!

Cara is still very much into her tablet and TV. She likes colouring, playing with toys and other activities but gets bored or distracted quite easily.

Charlotte will happily do puzzles, build blocks and colour independently for up to an hour but Cara gets distracted or bored after around 15 minutes. It's so awesome to see their personalities developing and they really are two entirely different people!

Caras favourite things at the moment are her tablet, TV, soft play, the park, strawberries, chicken nuggets, ice cream and anything with hearts on.

Charlotte's favourite things are Frozen, dolls, princess's, nursery, Daddy, fruit, building things and seeing friends and family.

We have done a few activities the last couple of months but as it's February the weather has not been good enough to spend alot of time outside. We went to a couple of different soft play areas and to the park and the girls had their first trip to the theatre. They did very well but the performance was very long and they both fell asleep before the end!

We don't have a lot of plans for the next couple of months but I'm hoping to get outside more as the weather improves when spring arrives.

I'm thinking about visiting my sister with the girls soon, maybe in the summer holiday's or Christmas break. I've held off so far (they have only visited once around 6 months old) as I don't drive and its around 6/7 hours on the coach and 3/4 hours on the train. I am currently (quite secretly not many people know!) taking driving lessons so if/when I pass and hopefully get a car it will expand our horizons quite alot!

It's been a funny couple of years due to the pandemic so I'm looking forward to restrictions ending so we can back to some kind of normal!


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