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Christmas 2021

Christmas has been a long one for us, with nursery finishing on the 18th of December and them not being back until the 11th of January which is tomorrow. We are all more than ready for them to go back with the girls bouncing off the walls at home! We have got out as much as possible but its raining constantly at them moment and as I don't drive we are limited in rainy chilly weather as to what we can do!

The girls had a few Christmas themed activities at nursery with a sing along, Christmas crafts and parties. They enjoyed the sing along and both signed and sung well... Even though Cara refused to look at everyone (they were all in a circle) and joined in doing it backwards!

They understand Christmas much more this year with Cara saying goodbye to the Christmas tree whenever we left the house and Charlotte constantly singing Christmas songs! Cara got a little overexcited with presents (trying to open other people's and asking for presents daily for every day in December!) but it was lovely to watch them enjoy it all. They haven't quite got the idea of Father Christmas yet... they can recognise him but don't understand that he brings the presents.

We went for a family Christmas meal at a restaurant which the girls really enjoyed. They sat really well and ate well and enjoyed the soft play area they had! They now understand where we are going and why if I explain it to them which makes things easier. They also loved travelling there on the bus though I did have to stop them trying to constantly press the bell!

The girls spent Christmas Eve at their Dads until 11am Christmas day and then came home and opened presents. We then went to their Godparents for Christmas Dinner which was lovely and they loved this and were thoroughly spoilt!

We did a few Christmas themed activities at home, making mince pies and decorating gingerbread Christmas trees. Cara is a massive fan of mince pies which is a little odd for a 3 year old, Charlotte enjoyed making them but wouldn't even try one!

We also had my friends over for a mini Christmas party with a little buffet. The girls loved this even though Charlotte is going through a shy phase and wouldn't talk to them at first but after a while was climbing all over them!

We also visited the local fair but it was very cold and rainy! We had a quick look round with my parents and the girls Godparents and cousin but didn't stay for too long and instead came home to warm up with hot chocolate!

I can't wait for next year when they will understand even more of what is going on! Neither can Cara who is still occasionally asking where Christmas has gone and for more presents!


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