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I have literally no idea how the girls are 4 years old tomorrow, it feels like I was just in hospital waiting to have them!

The last few years certainly have not been easy... becoming a single parent, getting divorced and Cara being diagnosed as autistic were obviously all a massive struggle and very stressful. Despite all that, we are in a good place now.

The girls have one more year of nursery before they go to school. This will be their 3rd year there and their second in the pre school room so they've settled in well, I'm just hoping it isn't too much of an adjustment next week when they begin again after 6 weeks off! Charlotte loves making friends at nursery and is very social. She thrives in social situations whenever I ask her what's the best thing about nursery she says 'seeing my friends' without hesitation.

Cara is less social but enjoys playing with people on her own terms and loves the big computer they have at nursery.

Cara had six weeks of speech and language this year and her speech has come along massively. She still repeats phrases and speaks in an unusual way at times but she is forming sentences and staying on topic more now.

Caras favourite foods are pizza, ice cream and fruit, especially berries. She doesn't like whole bananas but loves them blended into a milkshakes. She hates mash potato's and will only drink blackcurrant squash (any other flavour is 'yucky') She is currently obsessed with Skye from Paw Patrol, loves playing on her tablet and likes music.

Charlotte's favourite food is chicken, especially chicken nuggets, all fruit and loves cheddar cheese. She hates fish in any form and only ever wants to eat potatoes in chip form. She still loves Frozen but has branched out and now enjoys the Little Mermaid, Encanto and Barbie. She loves dolls, puzzles and spending time with other people. She follows me every where and constantly wants to know where I am. I've had to lock my bedroom door as she sneaks in and covers herself in my makeup, perfume and hair products ... she's very sneaky and waits until I'm cooking dinner or washing up in the kitchen and I think she's happily playing in the lounge. Then when I check she's snuck upstairs and rifling through my things! I thought she learnt her lesson when she accidently sprayed perfume in her eye (she was fine, I flushed with water and called 111 to be on the safe side but after half hour of red/watery eyes she was good) But now I've had to resort to locking the door as she is so sneaky!

We are looking forward to the girls party which is a few days after their birthday. I have booked a soft play party with a bouncy castle and Caras been asking for her party for about two weeks now! I'm hoping that they don't get upset on their actual birthday that they have to wait a few days for their party!

The girls are back to nursery in September and we have a holiday booked for 4 nights at the end of September/beginning of November. We are staying in a lodge at a caravan park and they are excited to go swimming, to the arcades and to the mini disco! It's the first holiday I'm taking them on myself. It should be a lot easier now they are potty trained, not using a buggy and are a little more independent!

The summer holiday's have been challenging at times, especially as I am still taking driving lessons and relying on public transport. We have had a few nice days out though... Park, picnic with friends, soft play and lots of time in the garden. It's been hard to get things done though as I have the girls 6 days a week and I work the 1 day a week they are at Daddy's. Nursery was my time to get the shopping and housework done and it's way harder to do with two children around! I think they definitely miss nursery too and all the social interaction and activites, especially Charlotte who says 'hello nursery!' Everytime we pass it in town!

I am looking forward to what 4 brings... last year of nursery, holiday, a Christmas with them understanding what it's all about properly! I'm a little sad as this is the last year its going to be mostly us, next year they will start school, make new friends and spend more time apart from me. In my head they are still tiny 5 pound babies, yet they are now little girls with their own personalities, likes and dislikes. I'm so very proud of the little people they are becoming and how much they love each other. Charlotte calls Cara her best friend all the time, and they like to know where the other one is at all time. They are so different in so many ways yet so similar in others. I hope they always are this close and I'm go glad they have each other to grow up with.

So tomorrow my girls will be 4 and I hope it's their best year year yet!


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