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Twins 5th Birthday...

The girls turned 5 at the end of August. I can't believe how much they have grown and how much they change everyday and that they will be starting school soon. A new adventure begins!

On the girls actual birthday they were at their Daddy's until 4pm and then came home. I'd tried to scale down on the presents this year as I tend to go overboard! I don't ever want them to feel that they are missing out as they are twins but what with the cost of living crisis and having to purchase them both uniforms to start school I simply couldn't afford to go too crazy this year!

Their Dad took them to a trampoline park in the morning, then in the afternoon once they were home we did presents . My parents came over with bikes for them that they had assembled. Their Dad had brought them the bikes and had them delivered to me but I'm rubbish at DIY so they kindly put them together. They loved their presents and I brought a small cake and we sung Happy Birthday!

I planned a soft play party for them a few days after their birthday which was lovely. My Mum made an amazing cake, they played with their friends and cousins and had party food and even more presents!

Birthdays for the girls have mixed emotions for me. Whilst I'm happy they are growing up and getting more independent I'm sad that that need me less and less everyday.

Charlotte is so fierce and independent now. She knows what she wants and how to get it for sure! She loves deeply and unconditionally and once she decides that you're her friend she won't stop talking about you. She loves Disney, Princesses and make up. Charlotte loves to draw and colour and is happiest in a crowd of people. She loves a party, loves bring the centre of attention and wants to be an artist when she grows up.

I am in awe of Cara every single day. With her having autism she faces challenges daily but she copes amazingly at every turn

She is still so clever with gadgets and technology, loves Paw Patrol, Minions and her tablet. Cara is so loving and caring to everyone it makes my hurt hurt. Every other child she sees is her 'friend'. She waves at every child she sees and says 'Hello Friend!'... I hope she never loses that innocence.

Birthdays are also bittersweet for me as it reminds me who should be here but who sadly isn't. I lost a close friend when I was 8 weeks pregnant with the twins and I miss her everyday. Charlotte is named after her, my Charlotte Vikki. I've known her 11 year old daughter since she was 6 months old and apart from lockdown years she's attended all of the girls birthdays. Every year its a reminder that my friend will never meet the girls and that they'll never know who who would have been their Auntie Vikki. I see her in her daughter however and I'm comforted by that.

The girls being 5 is a big year. They are going to start school, begin their Girl Guiding journey by joining Rainbows and hopefully love school and make lots of friends.

Here's to 5 my beautiful twins. I just know it's going to be amazing.


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