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Growing up...

In September the girls started Reception. Despite the fact that I had made the decision to defer them a year I still felt unsure if they were ready for the big change of going to school. Of course, they both suprised me as usual and settled in wonderfully!

Their school is quite small as it is only an infant school but it seems really lovely. Their teacher seems very nice as do the classroom assistants. They have made some lovely little friends and have been invited to and attended two birthday parties . They even have a friend who they regularly bump into ok the way to school and they walk together holding hands which is very cute!

Both girls had their first learning reviews which went really well. Cara settled in so well to reception which both me and her teacher were very pleased with as she sometimes struggles with charge and transition. I think reception suits her as it is very structured and she always knows what to expect next. If asked her favourite lesson is 'lunchtime' and 'freeflow' which is where they open up the 3 reception classes and the children can play together and go into all the different classrooms, supervised of course. The classrooms have all different corners like book corner, arts and crafts etc. Cara has been loving making new friends and have been picking up phonics fairly quickly. She has had a few issues with some of the boys as she says they are too 'crazy'... I'm guessing by that she means they run fast and play a little rougher than the girls but it hasn't been too much of a big deal. I'm guessing it's because Cara isn't a fan of things happening unexpectedly and sometimes the boys move quickly or come into her space without warning and that startles her.

Charlotte has settled in well but gets so tired! She is still one of the smallest in the class despite being one of the oldest (they is only one child in class older than the girls) Seeing how much she struggled with being in school 5 days as opposed to at nursery for only two made me sure I made the right decision in deferring them, I don't think Charlotte would have coped particularly well is she'd started a year ago!

Charlotte had a good leaving review too. Her favourite lesson is arts and crafts and her teacher said she can become a little daydreamy and distracted in writing and phonics as she doesn't find it as interesting. She is practicing her phonics and writing at home however and loves doing her 'homework'... which is her copying over her phonics paperwork and writing 'letters' to people and asking me to post them! She had a couple of issues with fibbing a few times which she does at home too occasionally. It's always someone else at fault if she gets caught doing something she shouldn't be! She actually accused a teaching assistant of lying though by saying she didn't ask her to tidy up when she did which wasn't the best plan! She then told the teacher the teaching assistant wasn't telling the truth which was a little hard to belive! All in all she's doing well though.

I've joined the PTFA at the girls school as well which is fun and it's nice being more involved in the girls schooling.

As well as starting school the girls have started Rainbows too which they love! A girl from their class attends too. They have had a life boat visit, attended church parade, gone to harvest festival and played loads of games and arts and crafts. They have also already earned 5 badges each!

We had a nice relaxing half term and as it was Halloween half term we went pumpkin picking which was very muddy! The girls also had a sleepover at my friends house with Phoebe who is my friend who passed aways daughter. I've know Phoebe since she was 6 months old so it's crazy she is now 11 an in high school! Charlotte absolutely adores her.

Cara has also lost her first tooth which she was very excited about!

It's almost the Christmas holidays and I'm looking forward to a couple of weeks break form wet school runs and maybe a bit more of a lie in!

The girls are so excited for Christmas. I have the girls Christmas day this year and we are going to my parents, which should be fun. The girls are looking for forward to presents mostly! They have posted their letters to Father Christmas, goy excited at every Christmas decoration they can see and are in a school Nativity!

I'm hoping next year the girls continue to do well at school and Rainbows. I'm hoping to get a summer holiday booked too at some point and make plans to visit my sister and her kids with the girls.

Here's to a Merry Christmas and a blessed 2024!


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